Quite possibly the best weekend ever!!

Jan 23, 2006 09:22

This weekend was definitely one of the best weekends I've ever had. It could very well be the best weekend ever! There will be many lj-cuts, because this is going to be a monster post. But it'll be AWESOME!

Friday wasn't all that awesome. I mean, it was fun, but nothing major happened. I almost got Alejandro to come to a movie with me, but as I expected, he went home to sleep instead. One of these days, I'll get him! I hung out with Vic and Hannah a bit that night and we watched TV. It was fun. Hannah is cool.

Saturday started off with a call from Scott. I hadn't heard from him the whole week, but he said he was really busy and just wanted to see how I was doing and stuff. He said again he'll probably come to Superbowl, which should be cool. So that was nice to know he didn't forget about me.

Later I went to an LA Kings game with a bunch of my friends. It was a massive group of us, in actuality. Like, 25 people. It was really fun, we all carpooled down to the Staples Center for the game. I was in a car with Eric aka Peaches, and Joe, whom I have a smallish crush on. The two of them talked about techie equipment stuff and I didn't know half of what they were talking about, but it was interesting to listen to.

Our seats were up high, but it's a hockey game, so it was really fun. Staples Center is cool!! There were a handful of die-hard hockey fans, a few moderate hockey fans, and some people who didn't know the game at all. AJ and Dan (die hard fans) told Steve (who didn't know the game) some things he could yell out to the players, because he wanted to yell and didn't know what to say. Brandy kept yelling, "Punch him in the face!" It was pretty hilarious.

The game was pretty good too. We scored 2 goals back to back in like, the first 5 minutes. Then the Sharks caught up and we were tied. Second period nothing happened. Third period we scored again. Sharks pulled their goalie for a 6th skater. 20ish seconds left, and they tie it up. We go into overtime. 8 seconds left in overtime, and we're about to go into a sudden death shootout. These are SO rare and awesome! 8 seconds away...and the Sharks score. Bastards. It was fun though. Despite the lack of a sudden death shootout and the lack of us winning. Hockey games are fun!

After the game we all went back to Missy & Ben's and hung out there. It was nice and low key. No drinking or anything, just hanging around talking. It was nice and chill. Though it was really funny when Michael called my cell phone looking for Rory, and Tim goes, "You really are his girlfriend!" I thought that was pretty funny...lol.

Sunday I went to ORC (One Ring Celebration) with Vic and Hannah. Hannah works with one of the vendors, and she convinced me to go, which really didn't take all that much convincing. So the three of us went yesterday. We got there early, actually too early.

Hannah thought the event opened at 10:00, but it really opened at 11:00 because there was a special brunch with Billy Boyd. So we had to leave, because we couldn't hang around. A security guard walked us out, and he started hitting on me. 5 minutes! We were there 5 minutes, the convention hadn't even started yet and I was already getting hit on! It was awesome. Vic told me later he was listening and cracking up.

So we went to get coffee until the convention opened, then we went back to the madness of LotR! It was so fun. Lots of vendors selling cool stuff, crazy LotR games, leather clothes and stuff, computer game stuff, lots of people in costumes and of course, Miranda Otto and Billy Boyd were there speaking. Billy's Q&A was really funny. He's a very silly guy. Miranda was lovely, and gave more heartfelt answers. I enjoyed both Q&A sessions very much.

Vic and I painted tiny figures that we took home. He painted an orc, I painted one of the evil guys in eyeliner that I can't remember the name of. Hannah bought a crazy expensive leather dress that looks awesome on her. I bought a cool ring, the One Ring and a necklace that says, "I <3 Geeks." One of the coolest things ever? I saw a First Edition of the LotR books. And.............they were signed. I literally had no words. I got as far as, "Wow..." and that was it. It was the coolest thing ever.

Another cool thing however, was that there was a cute vendor who was selling these hologram-y paintings. They look like an old painting, then you move and it's a scary painting. They were really cool! Vic and I looked at them once, and I talked to the cute guy (aka Eddie) a lil. Then I went back later and asked about them and he was asking if I lived around here and that I should come back and see him later. So later I went back again and he asked what I did, and if I had a boyfriend. I said no, and he said he'd like to grab coffee or something, so I gave him my number. Hee!

The day ended with us seeing a top secret bloopers reel, and then going to a bar. Hannah's friends had information that Billy's band was playing at a bar, so we went down there to check it out. It was a really tiny, dumpy pub, but it was cool. They had hard peach cider and it was delicious. We got there early enough to have a table, and we hung out a bit, waiting for Billy and the band to show up.

But instead, Elijah Wood showed up. 5 minutes later? DOMINC MONAGHAN! I quite literally didn't know what to do. They both walked by, were hanging at the bar, and I could watch them have a conversation outside. I didn't want to be one of those squealy girls, so I just didn't go near them. Hannah was on sniper duty, and took many pictures which I better see later! But it was cool just knowing we were at the same bar.

Once the band started, everyone got all close and I got claustrophobic, so I moved to the back of the pub and sat on a couch that was empty. And that's when Billy Boyd finally showed up. So he came in and hung back near me for a song, before going into the crowd, probably to find Dom and Lij. It was very surreal. But fucking awesome. Yes, it would have been cool to go talk to them. But I wouldn't have had anything to say, and I didn't feel like bugging them for no good reason. But it was still awesome that they were there and I was there. Hehe. And Hannah and I got drunk, and I started drunk IMing when I got home. That was really fun...lol.

The best part? This morning at 9:15...I got a call from Eddie. LOL!!!!!!!! Not even 24 hours went by!! He wanted to call and say it was nice to meet me and stuff. He asked if I had fun at the convention, and then asked if I was seeing people or had a boyfriend, when the last time I had a boyfriend was. I said I was dating around, didn't have a boyfriend since it's hard to meet people in LA.

He said some really sweet things. Asked if I was Italian because I had great coloring...said I had a great smile, that my whole face lights up when I smile, and that I was a really cute girl. HEE! So we'll probably go out next week, cause this week is busy for him. I'm pretty excited. It's not often I get asked out on a date from someone I meet in person. So this is pretty sweet. I actually have a date tomorrow with someone I met during my free trial for Match.com. So we'll see. I know I've always said I was a non-practicing slut...but now I really feel like it's true!

But yeah...AWESOME weekend! =)

boys! teehee!, celebrities, geek!, alejandro

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