Work stuff and prom stuff

Jun 01, 2005 23:53

Memorial Day screwed me up a little bit. Because we had Monday off, it feels like I'm a day behind. Tuesday felt like Monday, Wednesday felt like Tuesday, and I'm sure tomorrow will feel like Wednesday. I mean, this is good naturally, because Friday will come but it will feel like Thursday and it'll be fun. So yeah, whatever.

Yesterday I was very pleased with myself, because I managed to get our 109 episode done on time with the captioning institute. Basically, I was told on Tuesday that we needed it by noon or 1:00 at the latest on Wednesday. That is not a fun thing to have to request of someone. But because the woman I talk to at NCI loves me, she switched some things around to squeeze us in there and I had the episode back in house at 12:45 today. It was a happy moment. I wrote her a quick thank you note and stuck it in the mail, because if she hadn't of done that for us, our deadline would have been screwed. So I am very thankful to her.

After work I came home and Vic was fiddling with his new Jeep in the driveway, so we hung around the driveway chatting for like, a half hour or so. It was very nice indeed. Then I went out for a prom committee meeting, and that was very nice indeed as well. We got a lot settled and now there's the execution of the plans. I feel like I'm not being that helpful yet, because I haven't volunteered to do elaborate decoration things or had any brilliant ideas. But then again, this is my first prom with these guys and I'm learning the ropes. I'm sure for next year's prom, I'll be much more helpful. And I intend to be very helpful in setting up stuff the day of.

Quick randomness. I walked into Jen's apartment for the meeting, and was immediately greeted by 2-3 compliments on my shirt, all at once. It was awesome because in the past, the clothes I wear do not warrant compliments. But I am quite fond of the shirt I was wearing, and was very pleased to be complimented on it. I also randomly was complimented on my makeup. Which was more random than the shirt compliment, because I wasn't really wearing makeup. Just some face powder and lip gloss. But Missy said my eyes looked really nice today. I was surprised and said thank you, and then everyone joked that she was hitting on me. I totally still think she was. ;]

los angeles, intervention

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