Apr 03, 2005 23:28
So I was getting ready for bed, and doing my nightly rituals and stuff. I go to turn my phone off and plug in the charger, and I see that I have a voicemail. I'm really confused, because my phone has been within 10 feet from me all day, and I am bewildered at having a voicemail.
I listen to it, and it's my cousin Dan and Jon thinking I forgot about the Foundation meeting tonight. I hadn't forgotten at all. I knew it was tonight, but when I didn't get a call at 7ish, I figured Dan got busy and didn't have time. It happened once before, so I figured we'd email and figure out a new day. But according to the voicemail, they DID call and they thought I forgot because I didn't answer my phone!!
I was so confused and pissed and irritated and embarrassed. Because I completely did not forget, but my phone just absolutely did not ring. It's a loud ring and I would have heard it, even a few rooms away. But my phone has been near me all night, and it definitely didn't ring at 7ish. It didn't ring when I got the voicemail either, which is weird. Even weirder, is that my parents called an hour later and that rang just fine.
I was seriously thrown for a loop when I got the voicemail. It was too late to call Dan, so I had to email Dan and Jon. Part of me hopes they're not mad at me, but the other part is just irritated, because this seriously was not my fault. I did not forget, and I can't help if my phone spazzes out. It did the same thing before, when I was working on "Black Dawn." There was the one night I was sitting in traffic for an hour and a half, and the office called me 8 times and because I was taking so long and not answering my phone, they thought I was in an accident. But my phone just did not ring. And that was 8 times in a row.
It's seriously so bizarre. I'd be much more pissed if I wasn't so bewildered.