Run, Link, Run!

Jan 21, 2005 23:22

Today was a lot of driving. More so than usual. The set was out by Santa Clarita today, 30 miles away from Hollywood. Kind of out by Lisi. So it was an hour and a half to get there and I think around the same to get back. Maybe a little less because traffic was better on the way back. It's kinda fun making runs to set, because it's a real set. I mean, I'm not on the set where they're filming, but the base camp with all the trailers set up. It's nifty.

Not so nifty was the fact that the elevator was broken today. Yesterday one cab was down, and today they were both out of order. And we're 6 flights up. I know I'm out of shape, but it was still not fun having to walk up 6 flights of stairs. Luckily it was fixed at the end of the day, so I only had to walk up twice.

Apparently there was major drama going on today while I was driving around. Me and the other runner were out on runs, and Blair the assistant production coordinator had to go out on a special run, so Dave the Production Coordinator was stuck in the office all alone. Poor guy, it wasn't an easy day.

Then at the end of the day there was some miscommunication about checks I was bringing back to the office. I was taking a while coming back to the office, partly because I took the 405 to Wilshire, which apparently wasn't the best route, and also partly because of traffic. These checks had to go to another office to get signed by someone else, but I didn't know that. I could have stopped to get them signed on my way back to the production office, but that didn't occur to Dave until I was back with them and Blair was on his way.

My last run felt like something out of "Zelda & The Ocarina Of Time." One check in the pile was for buying film that we needed to have tonight to have first thing on Monday. The store closed at 6:30 and it was 5:30. Blair had to get the checks back to the production office so I could get them to the store before they closed. I was in my car and on my way at 5:50. It felt like the part in the video game where you have to get the eyedrops to the big Goron at the top of Death Mountain. Seriously, I was getting so worked up getting over the Valley, I was cursing a blue streak. I mean, I curse a lot anyway, but this was a lot.

And just like in Zelda, I got the eyedrops check to the Goron store just in time. Jon, the other PA was waiting for me because once I got there with the checks he was taking the film to another place. So it was part Zelda, and part relay race. But we made it and that's what counts.

I finally talked to Ginger tonight and she understands about my new job and is very appreciative of the work I did up until now. I can join in one more half day of shooting on Sunday. We're shooting 12-5 in Griffith Park but I can only stay until 4:00, which Ginger says is fine. Ryan's birthday dinner is at 6:00 and I want to get back in time to shower and change and all that. So hopefully Peter will be there and I can see him one more time. And it'll be nice to have an official last day and asy goodbye and stuff. Plus it's a short day and doesn't start at 7am, so that's good.

Between Ryan's birthday party, shooting on Sunday and Ryan's birthday dinner, should be a fun weekend. =]

workin' 9 to 5, geek!

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