Sep 30, 2004 19:22
There was an assembly in middle school once, about aggression and feelings and stuff. With the help of audience participation, the performers acted out how one person in a bad mood can affect an entire family. The father had a bad day at work so he yells at his wife. The wife feels angry and frustrated so she yells at her kids. The kids fight with each other and the dog got kicked in the mix I think. However lame that whole assembly was, it is so true.
My boss at BKM was in a snippy mood apparently (I don't have much direct interaction with him, so I can't really say) but because of his snapping and shortness, it put John in a real bad mood and he was quite bitchy today. And this of course made me not want to be there at all and it sucked a lot. Especially the part where I had to fax something to Bulgaria and lemme tell you, Bulgaria is not an easy country to fax. I had to call this hotel like 3-4 times to verify the fax number, get new fax numbers and the fax just wasn't having it. It was a major pain in my ass.
To make things just a little bit worse, my cell phone apparently died today. It worked fine in the car on the way home, because Adrienne called me and it was fine. But then Jen from "Ten Til Noon" called to give me the address to meet her at tomorrow, and when I answered the phone I couldn't hear anything. She called like, 3 times and each time I picked up, I couldn't hear anything. I called her and I couldn't hear anything. I called her back on the house phone and she actually suggested that maybe it's because I have a flip phone. Apparently flip phones don't last as long because the flipping mechanism causes wires to kinda short circuit or something to that affect.
So even though I still have the house line, it's not that reassuring because no one calls me on that line. So tomorrow I have to go back to Radio Shack to have someone look at my phone and decide if it can be fixed, and if not they should replace it. I called them and at least I know it'll be taken care of, but it's such a pain in my ass. But the good thing is that I can stop by FYE and see if that guy is there. The odds aren't great that he will be, but since I'll be in the mall anyway it would be just plain stupid not to check. At least the vibrator on my phone still works. So I'll know if someone calls, I just won't be able to talk to them. Greeeeeeeeeat.
Maybe "Shaun Of The Dead" will cheer me uo?