(no subject)

Sep 17, 2006 22:19

My life is pretty much consisting of school and work. And to be honest I dont mind it. I feel like I'm being more productive with my time. It feels so good making money and saving up. Going to the bank and making deposits just feels so rewarding, its weird.

I got new Fendi glasses. Completely on impulse when I probably shouldn't have. They cost more than my car payment but I lovelovelove them.

work: I'm still working at Toad's and I love it. I just got a job at Gap for a day job, and I start Wed. I'm worried that I am going to be overdoing it with 2 jobs and school full time but I feel like it is going to be good for me. Streetlight Manifesto is coming to toad's in november, and I cannot wait to meet them!

school: My classes are awesome. I got my first assignment back for the semester and i got an A+. It was on an english paper, and I was very surprised because english is going to definitely going to be my hardest class. I already have a 10 page paper due on wed. French is beautiful. I can already feel how rewarding it is. Im having a tough time though because I keep wanting to speak in spanish but it feels really cool being able to translate things into three different languages. My classes are definitely challenging me but in a good way. And I am owning my art history class. I think my lecture professor really likes me, especially since I'm the only one who really talks. And I am going to start working in the art history department with the school's curator researching images & making slides!

All in all I feel pretty good. I am extremely busy and I love it. Feels weird to update though. I hope this semster I learn how to slow down and appreciate life because it is definitely starting to feel as though it is flying by. Also, I noticed now that when I meet new people we shake hands like adults. It makes me feel older.
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