i am seriously the worlds biggest procrastinator. i have a paper due and i can't get into it, at all.
i like how i got an e-mail from my cityscapes teacher saying i am in danger of failing the class. and i like how i cried when i read it. but then i re-read it and started laughing because it says, "you have received an A on your first paper and a C on your first test." how is that failing? HUH, EMMANUEL!?!?
i was at the end of my rope.
but- get this- then I started to cry. but- get this- i wasn't faking it- oh no. i cried for real. in fact, not true. i wept. i sobbed an Amazon of salty currents and snotty slipstreams. i gushed and snuffled because i knew i was done for.
rufiology: this 10 foot, jet black, bald, burning red eyed, razor clawed bird
rufiology: was spotted sitting in the middle of a road in ohio one night
rufiology: and a driver had to slam on his brakes
rufiology: the birds eyes glowed red
rufiology: and it let
rufiology: this high pitched shriek out
rufiology: which shattered the windows in the car
rufiology: its wingspan was the entire 4 lane road
rufiology: and it took off into the night
Based on witness reports, there are many who believe the Big Bird is possibly blue herons or pelicans. Not likely since herons and pelicans do not weigh anywhere near the 170 plus pounds that would have been required to leave the prints mentioned earlier. We are discovering new creatures daily and even some that were once thought extinct. The big bird could be a new species or a once thought extinct one or perhaps it is a "mothman" creature!
if there are going to be 170lb red-eyed birds parading around the world, i am so committing suicide.