One word: DEANOGASMIC. Yes, this week's episode's just filled with Dean all over. Not to mention, there's two of him. And yes, of course, as much an ass Future Dean has become, his aggressiveness and "fearless leader" gungho persona cuts deep in every Dean fangirl. Who's the man?
Some highlights that I haven't been too lazy to include. Careful: this post is Dean biased.
Ooooh look Dean's handcuffed. By Future Dean of course. Trust issues with himself. What were you thinking?
A close-up on Dean handcuffed. Just cause. Man, I love this expression. XD
Cass: We're each a fragment of total perception. Just, uh, one compartment. In that dragonfly eye of group mind. Now the key to this total, shared perception...... is surprisingly physical.
Future Cass and his orgy groupies. Haha. The dude's gone wild angel and Past Dean was all " What are you a hippie?"
Grrr. If you'd only know what he was aiming at.
*Past Dean is shocked* WTF Future Dean
There's bound to be some mad kink the Future Dean's on. He looks so intense. The convo on the colt and that it's been "everywhere".
Oh wow, TWO Deans.
The sight of the Devil wearing Sam completely tore Dean apart.
Dean is not fooled by this sympathy-for-the-devil crap.
Dean: You're the same thing, only bigger. The same brand of cockroach I've been squashing my whole life, an ugly, evil, belly-to-the-ground,supernatural piece of crap. The only difference between them and you is the size of your ego.
Sam/Lucifer: I like you, Dean. I get what the other angels see in you. Goodbye, we'll meet again soon.
Dean: You better kill me now!
Sam/Lucifer: Pardon?
Dean: You better kill me now or I swear I will find a way to kill you. And I won't stop.
Sam/Lucifer: I know you won't. I know you won't say yes to Michael either and I know you won't kill Sam. Whatever you do you will always end up here. Whatever choices you make, whatever details you alter we will always end I win. So I win.
Dean: You are wrong.
Sam/Lucifer: I will see you in 5 years Dean.
Dean to Cass: Don't ever change.
~ I'm sure Cass is like - Sure, Dean, I'd do it for you. *hehe*
~ haha just got this cap for Dean's face.
He's waiting for Sam to arrive after making the decision to let Sam back in the game.
First thought - Dean's looking mighty fine leaning on the Impala.
Second thought - What is Sam driving. Yucky color. I know you can do better Sammy.
~ it's getting all tensed & reliefed at the same time as the words that should have been said come pouring out.
Dean: Sam, if you're serious and you want back in...
you should hang on to this.
I'm sure you're rusty.
~ Sam looks soo guilty. Why is that?
Dean: Look man, I'm sorry.
I don't know. I'm...
whatever I need to be.
but I was, uh....
Sam: What made you change your mind?
Dean: Loooooooooooong story (Okay, he didn't say it that way *wink*)
Dean: The point is..........
We're each other's archilles' heel. Maybe they'll find a way to use us against each other.
I don't know. I just know we're all we've got. More than that. We keep each other human.
Sam: Thank you. Really, Thank you.I won't let you down.
Dean: Oh, I know it. I mean, you are the second-best hunter on the planet. *note 2nd best*
Sam: So what do we do now?
Dean: We make our own future.
Sam: Guess we have no choice.
~ yea. The brothers reunite. Afterall, being apart makes each of them more vulnerable to both Lucifer and "Michael" - coz it's really Zachariah who's doing the dirty work. What a prick. Anywho. Feeeeel free to comment.
Credit: Colorings by Me -
hergraciousCaps from
Supernatural Caps.