The Dress

Nov 19, 2004 19:12

Today was non-uniform day. I went in wearing normal clothes, then stripped off... To reveal my pretty black dress, my sexy stockings and pretty suspenders. All of a sudden we decided to get people to sponsor me to cut my hair... I didn't think it would work, but it did, surprisingly well. In... Well, four periods, which is two hours and twenty minutes, we managed to raise £250, maybe even anything up to £300, we couldn't count it all up. Pretty damned good going, just shows what we can do when we really put our minds to it. I'm pretty sure that that's the most any single person raised, ever, but I'm quite likely wrong. Still, score.

Sadly, the wearing of the dress annoyed a teacher who didn't want me to wear it, but hadn't actually said it was against school rules. So I got in trouble. Also, got in trouble for getting out of a class and not telling the teacher, still, at that point I was dandering around collecting money, so I didn't even really think about class. I didn't even know classes were on today.

So the deputy head master had a good talk to me, whilst I was wearing the dress. The headmaster and he don't want me in the school, they don't want me to come back on Monday. They actually don't want me in the school, they want me to leave but don't want to expell me, they hate expelling people. So I was given a choice, leave, or come back with extremely strict rules. First time I'm late for class for no good reason, expulsion. At this point I wish Rhea had taught me to lie, I could just lie my ass off, and get away with it. No, that's bullshit, I couldn't get away with it. I can't do school the way normal people do it, I'm not that kind of person, I just can't. It's impossible for me to go to every class, impossible for me to go to school everyday, impossible not to mess around.

So I'm leaving school, simple as, unless something gets talked about on Monday that I find acceptable. First, and most hopeful plan, is for the school to strike me off the register, but keep me on the exam board. I go in once a week, pick up notes, talk to teachers I need to talk to, and go home. I teach myself, which is what I've been doing since the GCSEs (And I sailed through those and my ASs), and come in to school to do the exams. Simple as. I get a job in the meantime, and my life plan starts. That's what I hope to do.

Second plan, if the first fails, is to see if Tech has all my courses going at the same time, if it does I'll see if I can go there now, which I don't know, they might not let that happen halfway through a year. Still, Marion, the ginger tattling apparently bullied girl, did it, and then came back to school as well, but that was earlier in the year. Even if they don't do my exact courses, politics and history, or politics and computing are enough for me. I'll even start an AS in a new subject. Hell, shits and giggles.

Thirdly, if both of the above don't work, I'll get a job, and work until next September, I'll go to Tech, and finish my A levels, simple as. All plans are simple, until ya try and put them into action.

Mother says, if I do the first or third option, she wants me to have a job by next Friday. Bullshit. I'll get a job as soon as I can, and not a minute sooner. I always take the first job that comes along anyways, I've never been fussy about where I work, no-one can say otherwise.

So, this is what it feels like to have the rest of your life in front of you. I like it, the possibilities are endless.
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