English exam... check
4.8 million job applications... check
filled out? ... hrm.. i did three.
Study for math exam tomorrow... check
Have guitar teacher cancel on you so you can have the entire afternoon off to dick and prod around on live journal... check
figure out how to work half the stuff on live journal... no dice.
English exam went REALLY well today. I'm very confident that I did a good job! I should get a sticker. One that says "You're special!" and has a star on it.... or something like that.
Math exam tomorrow looks promising. Studying is going well. I'll probably get bored with the computer and study a little later tonight too... but maybe not.
My THIRD driving test is this Thursday. I better pass this time or else there's diffinitely something wrong with the system! it's all a conspiracy I tell you!
Okay, so my theory is that there's a little scam going on between the MTO and the insurance companies. The MTO passes all the guys that take their driving tests right off the bat because the insurance companies make a lot of money off of them, but they make all the girls test three and four times. Insurance companies dont make nearly as much money off of girls as they do off of guys. Hell, my insurance as a secondary driver on my mom's car is free! Therefore, each time a girl has to retake the test again they have to pay $40. that money goes right to the stoopid government and all those people who dont want me to have a driver's lisence. FUCK THE GOVERNMENT AND THE INSURANCE COMPANIES!!! If our country fell into a state of anarchy I could drive with a friggen lisence.
Some more up coming events:
(1) week road trip to Montreal. I hope little Andrew comes!
(2) 06/20 - Buried Inside, The Chariot, Rosesdead
, Ever So Clever @ babylon - AA/5pm/$9
(3) lots of lazy day around the pool and hanging out with Chris.
(4) 7/13 - Lamb of God, Atreyu, Every Time I Die, Unearth
@ Capital Music Hall - AA/7pm/$22.50
(5) Reach Ahead! (oh, I'm such a keener)
(6) Hellfest!!! (I dont care what I have to do to get there, I'm going! and that's final!)
(7) Lallapalooza!
(8) Camping in Bon Echo
wow. so that was an intense entry.