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The latest issue of “AJL Reviews,” published by the Association of Jewish Libraries, includes a review of the second Hereville book! Here’s their concluding paragraph:
Fans of Hereville: How Mirka Got Her Sword, will not be disappointed in the latest installment. Deutsch’s illustrations are as quirky and engaging as Mirka herself. The artwork, done primarily in shades of green and orange, is fresh and visually stunning with a unique panel layout on each page. Like the first novel, Yiddish is sprinkled throughout the text and Jewish rituals are observed from an Orthodox point of view. Shabbat is lovingly portrayed as a sacred and spiritual time. Hereville is a unique setting for a fantasy, but it’s clear that it faces the same challenges as all communities when bullies threaten Mirka. Readers of all levels of observance will connect to the story, and its elements of fantasy will appeal to girls and boys. The powerful theme of accepting yourself as you are makes this book a winning choice for all libraries. Strongly recommended.
Thank you to Aimee Lurie, who wrote that review (and I’ve met her in person and she’s totally nice, too!).