My New 24 Hour Comic: “Leaving The Bedroom”

Oct 21, 2012 18:19

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

Yesterday (October 20) was 24 Hour Comics Day!

What’s a 24 Hour Comic, you ask? It’s an invention of Scott McCloud’s:

To create a complete 24 page comic book in 24 continuous hours.

That means everything: Story, finished art, lettering, color (if applicable), paste-up, everything. Once pen hits paper, the clock starts ticking. 24 hours later, the pen lifts off the paper, never to descend again. Even proofreading has to occur in the 24 hour period. (Computer-generated comics are fine of course, same principles apply).

Although one can do a 24-hour comic any day of the year, it’s more fun to do it in tandem, hence 24 Hour Comics Day. Yesterday, at the studio where I work, myself, Jake Richmond, Ben Lehman, and Alan Ward all did 24 hour comics.

So here’s mine. It’s silly and not enormously well written or drawn, but perhaps you’ll enjoy it anyway. And it not, at least it won’t take more than a few minutes to read.

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cta, comics other than hereville!

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