(no subject)

May 07, 2010 17:39

We still don't have a government. The tension is building. It's all quite exciting.

Less exciting is what has been found out about several of the polling stations in this constituency- people were barred from voting after 10pm, when the polls closed, despite being there in enough time but having to queue for more than 90 minutes to cast their vote. Voters were also split into two groups- one for students, and a second for local residents, who were fast-tracked to the front of the voting queue. It has been said that it's because so many students didn't have their poll cards with them, despite the poll card clearly stating "This card is for infomation only. You can vote without it...". I really can't believe that they did that. Our votes all carry equal weighting (well, within the constituency, but that's another gripe for another day), and turnout in Hallam was almost 74%- the national average was only 64%. Apparently they weren't prepared for the amount of people wanting to vote- but surely they knew how many could have turned up!?

This is the BBC article on it.

Like my housemate said this morning: how is it that in Iraq they were able to cope with the amount of people wanting to vote and kept the polls open for them, but in Sheffield Hallam...


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