
Sep 01, 2007 13:08

These are 2 drabbles that I wrote for my drabble fest, that didn't seem to fit anywhere else!

1 Discworld, 1 Sapphire and Steel.

Fandom: Discworld

Title: It's Green!
Written for: aeron_lanart
Rating G
Spoilers: None

Summary: Just another day in Ankh-Morpork
A/N: Title from prompt

It's green

"You explained it to them?"

"Yes, sir."


Carrot scratched his head. "They don't see much incentive to obey, sir."

Vimes sighed. "Could we give the imps crossbows?"

It wasn't an entirely rhetorical question. This seemed to be one of those ideas that was really, really good right up to the point where it was really, really stupid.

He sighed again, nodding for Carrot to go intervene, as a scuffle broke out between those who had apparently adjusted to the new idea, and those who didn't see why they should. Maybe Ankh Morpork wasn't quite ready for traffic lights yet.

Fandom: Sapphire and Steel

Title: No Regrets
Written for: hellenebright
Rating: G
Spoilers: Set after the end of Adventure 6, so won't make sense if you haven't seen it.

Summary: There are some things he would change.

No Regrets

"Would you change it?"

He sighs. "I can't."

"I know. But would you?"

"Wouldn't you?" He gets up from the table, staring out at the stillness of Time itself, unrelenting and unchanging. He would have spared her this, the eternal prison, the inescapable trap.

And yet. Would he have managed without her strength? Her humour? Her presence?

Knowing him as ever, she comes to stand beside him, laying one hand on his arm as she tugs back the curtain.

"Still," she says, with a trace of a smile, "no regrets, eh?"

"No," he says, looking at her and meaning it.

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