Drabble: Require

May 24, 2007 07:34

Title: Require drabble
Author: jadesfire2808
Rating/pairing/spoilers: G/none/none

Summary: There are some things you can live without.


To demand as necessary or essential on general principles, or in order to comply with or satisfy some regulation.

There are things he misses, of course. Hypervodka (the home distillery was an experiment best not repeated). Moonrise on Sapholis Prime. A large blue box with a larger interior.

He's learned to live without.

And there are things he would miss. Tosh's face lighting up when the equation is solved. Gwen's simple, heartfelt humanity. Owen's biting sarcasm that grounds his flights of fancy. Ianto's...coffee. The feeling that here, at least, he is making a difference.

He needs to feel that, needs to know that he is doing something that matters. Because, here and now, what else is there for him?

here to utopia

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