I went through some of my tags today and deleted quite a few. Most of them were just irrelevant or my interests changed. However some of them were based off news items that I thought I would be writing about a lot more.
One example is Bhutto. When Pakistani opposition leader
Benazir Bhutto was assassinated in 2007 many of us thought that President Musharraf had something to do with her death. At the time I thought this was a good example of useless US alliance with a anti-democratic dictator in the name of the War on Terror. In the bigger picture it seemed to be a symbol of overall ineffectiveness of the Bush regime's to fight terror and promote democracy. Turns out it was a dead end. No one knows for sure what happened as most of the hard evidence that the UN or Scotland Yard could turn up was washed away. In realistic terms, it is more notable that Pakistan has been stepping up to combat Muslim Fundamentalism in their border-region with Afghanistan in recent years... relatively speaking.
Another Example is BBP. This doesn't stand for Busted British Petroleum. Unfortunately it stands for the fact that I cant spell BBQ.
I finally removed the
Bok-ah/Fugu tag... aka poisonous blowfish. I ate it once during my first contract and haven't eaten it since. Mostly because it is expensive and not that tasty. I am much more interested in eating live octopus again.
I got as far as the B's tonight. Hopefully I will be able to trim my tags down to a more navigable level.