Aug 05, 2003 11:15
Last night I went out with Matt, we saw American Wedding and went to Applebee's after. Went back to my house and watched some Jerry Seinfield comedy thing, it wasn't funny at all though. Now, I'm sitting around procrastinating doing my laundry. My right knee is shot to shit I can barely bend it, should be fun at work tonight. I don't know why, but I can't help but feel miserably depressed. Yes this is another emoriffic entry so eff off if you don't want to read it. I'm tired of falling and picking up the pieces and fighting. It's not worth giving your all to stay alive and be miserable. I honestly am tired of hearing everything will be okay, because it won't and it hasn't been alright. I'm tired of best friends putting me off because I'm not "cool enough" for them because I won't drink with them. I'm tired of being casted to the side because of a boyfriend that you feel you have to spend every fucking waking moment with. I'm sick of people playing head games with me just because I'm so vulnerable. Maybe you think it's fun to sit here and tell me you love me, then a week later not want anything to do with me. I'm off to go do laundry.