Nine Inch Nails, Birmingham Academy, 28-08-07

Aug 29, 2007 14:17

Just got back from Birmingham, very tired but very happy too :) Went down in the morning and broke the news to Matt that the only room they had left had a double bed, but I'd sleep on the floor (more for his sake than anyone else, I'm surprisingly acrobatic in my sleep!) so the only thing he'd have to endure was the receptionist probably thinking we were a couple when we booked in and they checked the room details. He threatened to camp it up but thankfully resisted the urge or I probably would have died from embarrassment.

I don't know how the hell it happened, but I managed to spend £90 between leaving yesterday and getting back today. I know £30 of it went on train ticket, a book I decided to buy ('Make Love The Bruce Campbell Way' , which is NOT a sex guide incase you're wondering) and a NIN tour T-Shirt (which is crap), but the other £40 must have gone on drinks. There were four of us at one point since we met up with some people we'd bumped into on the night the gig was originally rescheduled, but that's still enough money to warrant feeling guilty over. And bearing in mind I've got to go to a gig in Wolverhampton yet this week, fuck knows how skint I'll be come the weekend!

Matt decided he didn't want to que up early this time in the seperate pre-sale que (and I informed him if we missed a meet-and-greet cos of it then he had to be my servant for the rest of his life), so we headed in about 6:45, drank a bit and then endured the crap support band, Ladytron (unlike last week at Tool when the support band, Russian Circles, were pretty damn great) before getting split up in the crowd. I got chatting to some people I know and then started talking to a cool couple who I then pretty much went on to watch the gig with. I was disappointed that we didn't get to hear 'The Great Destroyer' (Trent said the small club wouldn't let them bring the big screen that they use for it into the building) but we got to hear two of my absolute favourites that WEREN'T played last time (The Frail / The Wretched and Reptile) along with a few more surprises and it was a pretty damn great gig.

There was a couple of funny moments, too, worth noting. Trent slagged off FallOutBoy, which I and just about everyone else heartedly cheered, and then this 17 year old girl who was half my size attempted to start a mini moshpit with me. That would have been interesting since I was twice her size, but luckily I wasn't too pissed by that point.

Not too much more happened inbetween me getting kicked out of a chippie after being served for waiting for Matt ("This is take-away only!"), and Matt throwing up in the bogs. So now onto the bit you've all been waiting for...

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