dear fabulous sunshines underground readers...

Jan 05, 2008 00:23

"wow!" is todays majik word, kids. and todays lesson is Spontaneity: SUDDEN UNEXPLAINABLE RANDOM ACTS OF MAJIKAL BUBBLY GOODNESS THAT TRANSCEND THE PRISON OF THE MIND, ERUPTING LIKE VOLCANIC SEMEN FROM THE ENDLESS WELLSPRING OF THE SOUL. Always remember that folks, Bubbles blown through the rubble of Amerika, illegal streetparties obstructing killer kars (everything joyful is becoming illegal) Buying flowers for strangers, these are acts of the divine source of life working thru the hands of angelic streetkids and lost boys and patchwerk girrrls. WOW!
Im not a logic punk, I am most definitely a child of delirium, illogical gargling gangly gaping argyle gargoyle goose (sorry Mr SPock) Most surely unpetrified and unterrified, student of Hun-Tun, it was a deathblow to see that I am not Thee "chosen One" just another posie posing for the painter sun, its not so bad being a little dead girl , it just gets boring after a while, after a thousand miles of psychic annihilation, I am blossoming into a vessel of creation. WOW!
Sometimes victory is as simple as laughing , as if death were a silly cardboard cutout. But all due respect to Lady Persephone, I have seen her beautiful darkness and her coldwarm eyes shining. WOW.


So the logical crocodiles in the audience may wonder, what indeed is the point of all this? The point is pointlessness. This zine is in REALITY a triangular cube, a six sided pyramid reaching for the loving black earth. when you SOLVE that you will have the KEY to understanding the Multiverse. WOW!
In other news, I am not a holy cow, I am still your friendly editor zinester android girl picking tulips by the moonlight. Sunshines Underground has not died, its just been comatose but its back on the sexercise bike, spouting pagan poetry and sensible nonsense for six cents multiplied by a dozen clown pies and a kiss on the cheek (which cheek? You decide!)
In other news, the swollen trolls of the whitehouse are still debating sedation versus sedation, and the wellsprings of angelic beings are cleansing the patient tired earth motherfather, as much as the prophecies will allow, which is hard to wrap your head around, so wrap you arms around it and laugh into the fire. God is a clown tearing the whole empire down, so its a good time to buy youre tribe some LAND and secede from the sane insanity of concensus reality.
But be careful, the way of delirium is full of trixsters looking for fools to fool and yummy babyfairy brains to gobble up. In other werds, if youre sailing into the new frontier, know there are things to fear BUT "fear is the mindkiller, the little death that brings total annihilation." SO stay grounded and CENTERED. wow.


Jesus of NAzareth said, when you make male and female into one, you will enter the kingdom of Heaven (the Gnostic Gospels). So the lesson for every day is balance, centeredness, but also letting go of the comforting structure of dualities, because its when you transcend dualities that you experience the divine darklight radiating love and healing power. WOW!


more to come....


if you want a copy of the next issue or a transexual kitty doll, email me and i will satisfy your desires.

transmission end.
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