I can attest that the new arrivals had not come in the usual way; I'd spent almost the entire day yesterday in the Hall of Beginnings with an eye turned to the cocoons, and saw not a single newcomer until I'd set foot outside. Hence, I will be seeking them out on foot
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Then they asked how I was talking, which is silly. I just use my mouth, of course!
[He too dumbstruck to properly cross that out]
[Finesse fails him]
[No, seriously, how is he supposed to politely ask it?]
[Nevermind, there's no way he's NOT going to make this sound silly]
You're a horse?
I'm a pony!
It's not a spit take. Reed splashed his face with his own drink.]
[Give him a minute.]
Pardon my rudeness; I had no idea you were
well, a resident. Usually, when we see horses [Pause] Someone is playing a joke on us.
But ooh! What kind of jokes are they? I love a good joke!
And more oft than not they're the... irksome, disturbing sort. At times the world itself seems dead-set on embarrassing us. The unicorns did well on that point.
But you can call me Giggles for now. I like the sound of it, don't you?
Oh... Oh that's not nice at all! Jokes are supposed to be about making people laugh, not making them feel bad. Why, point me in the direction of these unicorns! I'll tell them a thing or three about how jokes are supposed to be!
[How can a pony can write so much?... How can a pony write?]
Giggles, then. I hope you get settled in without much trouble; as you might have noticed, we seldom see occupants with- well, four legs.
[The fine art of pencil-in-mouth syndrome! Her penmanship is sadly less-than-stellar, though.]
Then we're just what you need! It's not a party until you have ponies.
Is there room enough for you in temporary housing, or can you not fit into the beds?
The beds are just fine! Very sproingy. I tested them myself!
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