a revalation of innerself

Aug 20, 2002 02:59

As i write this i have to express my thaughts on human nature, my nature. I wonder what is the base for human nature? Greed, survival, power? Then it hit me, hunger.
Its the main reason why we want more then to give more. Once you have the taste of power, money, supiority, you have that nagging feeling in the back of your head syaing that you could use more. Even as we try to be content with or lot in life, we have an unwilling urge to get more then we need. we are like locus to this palnet, consuming and then moving on. When did we get the idea that we can take from nature nad not give back to the very giver of life. Would you go and take what is not yours from your own mom even after she has commited all her time to raising you. fuck no, so what gives us the right to do it to nature. I fear that the goddess looks down on us with a look of sadness. This is the reason for war, conflict around the world. They get the idea that the rest of the world hungers for their god just like they do, they go out and force feed you the religion that they think is holy and the "one true path to salvation. jesus saves little children they say as they brainwash you into to becoming an unknowing witch hunter, looking for stuff that dosent coinside with their won belifes and morals. fuck that if i had to choose between being an outcast and having a will of my own make me the town idiot. I also wonder how does one get over this evil nature thats been imbedded in our minds. Does one sacrifice everything. It occurs to me that one can not simply give up ones own nature. it must be chaneled to other means of our nature. love, hate, compassion, sex, caring, faith, reason. one can not simply let go of it but can control and know their boundrys. yes you can huunger but within their limits. be not blind to your own nature but do not devote your life to it. with that said i can only wait and see what path fate has chosen.
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