I refuse to get rid of this icon even though I know I'm never going to use it.
so here we go, I'm using it.
Also, I'm redoing this meme because I can't sleep and I can't write that stupid essay so I'm doing this for the past seven days.
List your top ten on last.fm
1. StarKidPotter
2. Eisley
3. Cobra Starship
4. Panic at the Disco
5. Gatsby's American Dream
6. Darren Criss
7. The Color Fred
8. Lady GaGa
9. Ingrid Michaelson
10. The Academy Is...
What was the first song you ever heard by 6?
ooh, this is difficult. the first song I heard him sing was Goin' Back To Hogwarts, but the first song I heard from him, not the musical, was Not Alone.
What is your favorite album of 8?
The Fame
What is your favorite lyrics of 5?
How many times have seen each of your ten bands live?
cobra starsif twice, tai once
What is your favorite song by number 7?
If I Surrender, Hate to See You Go
Is there a song of 3 that makes you sad?
What is your favorite song by 2?
Brightly Wound
What is your favorite song by 9?
The Way I Am
What is your favorite album by 1?
How did you get into 3?
snakezzzzz awn a planeeeeeee
What is your favorite song by 4?
When the Day Met the Night, most of their first album, New Perspective, that snippet of Oh Glory, you know, pretty much everything they've ever made.
Which of the 10 has influenced you the most?
cobra influenced me to stay the fuck away from purple hoodies if that means anything.
What is a good memory concerning 2?
this one time this girl named sherri named this guy named max and both of their amazing bands decided to tour together so I need to get on buying tickets for that shit.
What is a good memory concerning 3?
I met Gabe one time and he was like 'JUST DIP IT IN CHLORINE, THE HERPES WILL COME RIGHT OFF'
Is there a song by 8 that makes you sad?
What is your favorite song of 1?
Not Alone, Voldemort is Goin' Down, Granger Danger
How did you become a fan of 10?
I have no idea.