Title: Being Queen Rating: PG Summary: Persephone learns how to rule. Author's note: Something rather experimental, a short piece written for a prompt at halfamoon. Thanks to geek_mama_2 for looking it over for me.
Woah. That gave me shivers. This is a wonderful look into the dichotomy of Persephone's life, and the strength/power/independence you show her developing gives the old legend a bit of a modern twist.
I loved the use of "Kore". I don't think I've ever seen someone use that name for her outside of my textbooks.
You provide a sense of Persephone as a graceful and mature woman, at ease with herself. This contrast greatly with how you present Demeter's perception, still unwilling to see that her daughter no longer needs her care. Persephone is no longer that "poor sweet girl" Demeter scoured the earth to find.
Despite this being so short, you pack a lot of imagery from the abduction story in. It really makes this vignette pop. Beautiful work.
You provide a sense of Persephone as a graceful and mature woman, at ease with herself. It's great to hear that came across. My Demeter here loves her daughter very much, of course, but she can't quite understand why anyone would want to stay in the underworld, least of all Persephone, and she still sees Persephone as the girl she was, not the woman she has become. Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to leave me feedback!
If I could jump through the screen and tackle you to the ground, I would so let's be thankful I can't XD
Absolutely lovely. Persephone is one of those characters that you can't help but feel for, torn between two worlds, belonging to both, and finding her place between each. Absolutely beautiful, really!
I'm a bit surprised at myself, it isn't like I ever thought I would write something like this, but Persephone's story is intriguing and inspiration struck. I'm so glad it made you happy, and that you thought it worked! ♥
Comments 19
I loved the use of "Kore". I don't think I've ever seen someone use that name for her outside of my textbooks.
You provide a sense of Persephone as a graceful and mature woman, at ease with herself. This contrast greatly with how you present Demeter's perception, still unwilling to see that her daughter no longer needs her care. Persephone is no longer that "poor sweet girl" Demeter scoured the earth to find.
Despite this being so short, you pack a lot of imagery from the abduction story in. It really makes this vignette pop. Beautiful work.
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You WROTE a drabble based on Greek Mythology.
If I could jump through the screen and tackle you to the ground, I would so let's be thankful I can't XD
Absolutely lovely. Persephone is one of those characters that you can't help but feel for, torn between two worlds, belonging to both, and finding her place between each. Absolutely beautiful, really!
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