Nov 04, 2004 01:26
Of course I'm upset. Of course I'm bitter. More than anything, with the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches all controlled by one party, I'm scared. Despite all of this however though, I'm attempting to be optimistic. Hopefully, through all of the bitterness, the fights, the commercials, everything, some good can come from this. Maybe, just maybe, a few of the people, perhaps not Dick Cheney or Karl Rove, but a few will wake up and realize that you cannot simply pander to only half of America. There's more of us out here, and we have different opinions. A true leader can lead all of the people, not just some of them. Based on his track record, I have nothing to go on that the next four years of George W. Bush will be better than the last. But I have hope. I have hope that those in power will see that America could really care less about who did what in Vietnam. Maybe something will cause those that have the power to change to enact that change. America is aching for better education. America is aching for better jobs, more healthcare, and a sense of well being and security. Maybe some of the issues raised by the other side will get through to the conservatives who hold office, and they can open their minds and their hearts to the other 48 % of America. If we dare to continue down this same road we have so perilously travelled these past 3 or so years, then the next four years could literally be the last shard of what we see as "America." The nation is literally transforming before our very eyes, and for some reason, most of America seems to want this change. I'm just wondering, what happens to those of us who don't? What happens to those of us who greatly value our civil liberties, our right to choose, our rights to privacy and free speech? Conservatism and liberalism have "flip-flopped." Where are the conservatives of yester-year pushing for smaller government? Where are the liberals standing up what they believe in? Please, America, prove me wrong in the next four years. Show me we can quit taking steps backward and move towards something better. Something good for America and good for the rest of the world. Remember those days when everyone liked us? Yea, that was nice. My parents won't let me study abroad until "the world is safer," yet they voted for President Bush. What happen to conservatives being isolationists? Let freedom ring.