Oct 26, 2005 19:44
so i finally saw what it felt like to go home right after school. I must say it was cute but i missed chester and wawa fun and i missed rachel and mandy a little (by a little i mean a lot).
17 hours of sleep make my life complete and so does missing band. i've missed 1st period two days in a row because i've slept in a little bit. it doesnt really matter because its creative writing and that class makes me want to kick myself
my mom and i had a talk to day because she's been worried about me. have changed these last couple of weeks (not counting last week because i was PMSing)? cause she's said i have and i just wanted to know.
i'm sick of people complaining. it's senior year, it's only your fault that it's sucking not anyone elses.
(this is the year that will make us or break us.
don't take it for granted. )
and that's what you're doing. i am too a little bit but at least i'm not complaining to all my friends about it. and if i am and i sound like a hypocrite then slap me in the face. it may sound mean and heartless but i have lost too many friends in my life to start caring now. no, i don't want to loose any of my friends but if they don't care enough about me to try then i'm not going to care, it's their own damn faults not mine because i know i've tried my hardest. . . that's generally speaking of course.