[Isshin, managing to wake up appearing nothing like himself, looks at the sphere intensely. He's already taken the liberty of dressing himself or herself in one of his suits. They're quite snazzy but don't quite fit his form. He does his best not to stare at what has become his body and crosses his legs on the floor haphazardly, taking a few attempts before they move quite like he wants them to.]
What the hell am I supposed to do with this?!
Ganymede! When we meet, your face is going to be a pulp by the time I'm through! Look at me! I'm...I'm...I'm a woman! A really good looking woman...
Kusanagi, I've got your body! At least, I think this is a body. Reminds me of a gigai. I'll try to keep it clean.
Does anyone know how to reverse this? This body is getting to be a nuisance! Oh, and are there any mes wondering around. I've got a few things to say about how to keep that body together!