Jun 19, 2005 12:58
well, summer is over. it was awesome. i give it an A, for awesome. not for 90-100% correct. but for awesome. like, e could be better, even though in some schools e = f or <50% correct. so awesome is the letter fo the day.
fuck what happened already, i'd rather look forward...
Four different Say Anything shows i could go to
having my license to do as i please
ice skating with bianca
getting a real job
getting a fake job at the rink
playing goal again
volleyball being a real sport
midterms being over
new years spent with the franquis
running away to jesse's vermont house with bianca
jesse's vermont house
building jumps in jesses backyard
sledding down jesse's rail on that snowboard thingy
back flip
driving in ny for the first time
going on road trips to visit eliz and riska
winter vacation
snowboarding a lot
chilly nights outside with friends
summer of '05
+Driving to toys r us everytime i'm bored
+putting in a new stereo in my car
+having everything in my car fixed
+showering today
++riding my new ols's
++perfecting noseslides
++going to taco bell 4th period
++getting a physics/computer science tutor
++living through court on the 18th
++passing school
++taking sats on the 15th
++going to mountian creek on saturday
++winning these awesome fucking boots on ebay
(they're black and have neon green laces with three naked ladies etched into the heel part)
that is my incomplete list of things to look forward to
+++Getting a new real job
+++living in cape may for a month!
+++perfecting my backflip on my new trampoline!
+++having an awesome summer with new friends and new experiences
+++cappiccino crunch
+++staying up until four talking to people online, and sleeping until one
+++sneaking out
+++sleeping on my trampoline
+++seeing awesome concerts with my awesome cousin rob
+++playing awesome tennis with my awesome cousins and friends
+++learning to ride a motorcycle so i can be the coolest boy in school next year
+++fixing my computer
+++not being in debt by millions and millions of dollars
+++finishing finals
+++writings letters to campers
thus completes an incomplete addition to my list of things to look forward to. the last few weeks have been filled with greatness and sadness, and hopefully the next months will be filled with the minimal amount of sadness and the greatest about of awesomeness
it's awesome that most of the things i had previously listed i have done or don't really wish to do anymore. sadly a couple can't happen now, but whatever, other things can!