Jan 13, 2004 23:54
I have just archived and deleted a big pile of .mp3s from the computer so that I have enough hard drive space to keep vidding.
I reduced my .mp3s by about half. That is, I'm down to under 6 GB. I feel kind of twitchy about this.
Most of the songs I deleted are ones I have on CD, and many of the rest are BtVS soundtrack stuff or odd live versions or demos or other tracks that I have to have because I'm a completist but that I don't really listen to all that often. And I still have them. Just not on the computer.
I have the terrible feeling that I'm going to want to listen to some of this stuff tomorrow, since deleting it has reminded me of its existence.
But now I have hard drive space, which is of the good. Gotta stay focused on the good.
music: songs