project remaster completed: Blood of Me, Writing Notes, odds and ends

Nov 18, 2003 19:17

I'm done remastering. It feels really good.

"Blood of Me" has been cleaned up and slightly revised, "Writing Notes" has been tinkered with one last time (thanks to insightful critical feedback from sdwolfpup a couple of months ago), and "Grace" has been permanently shelved.

As always, vids can be found at

Blood of Me
Not a lot of big changes here. Source is improved, of course. I did tinker with some timing and switch around some cuts to make better use of major points in the music, and I think I improved the pacing a bit as well. Also, I experimented with the levels filter as a way of making washed-out source look a little better, and am relatively happy with the results. It's always nice to have a chance to fiddle with some tool or trick in Premiere when I'm not also worrying about bigger vid issues.

password: drug

Writing Notes
When will I learn to leave this vid alone? I've changed two lines in the first verse. That's it. I think they're better, though: more metaphorical throughline, less weird literalism.

password: hands

"Grace" got taken down months ago when I started remastering, and I've decided not to put it back up. I was never happy with the way it turned out, and I've realized that I should have set the vid aside when I first got frustrated, waited for the new season, waited for something to knock my thinking about it into a new place. That song actually would have worked much better for S7 Buffy and Spike, and had I waited I would have had source material that would have solved all my problems; but I went ahead and kludged together something that didn't really work, and now the process of reconceptualizing and redoing that vid would involve way more than simple remastering. I don't have the energy or the interest to do that; I don't think the idea is worth it, really. Gotta be moving forward...

Thanks as always to renenet for listening to me work through the decision to pull "Grace," and for delta comments on "Blood of Me," even if in this case those comments amounted to "the changes are improvements, and wow, this vid is completely unrepresentative of your current vidding skill." Well... yeah. It's true. And I can't possibly get any of the old stuff as good as the more recent stuff, because the ways in which I've improved actually have very little to do with technical proficiency; I've learned so much about song choice, subject choice, vid structure, so much about how to conceptualize a vid, that I just wouldn't make these vids the same way, if I made them at all.

But I've cleaned them up a bit, at least; and having tied up these loose ends I'm feeling ready to move on. I'm getting ready to archive all the relevant files for all my vids to date and delete them from the hard drive - all part of my plan to force myself to quit tinkering with old projects and get started on new ones.

vids: announcements, vid: blood of me, vid: writing notes, vidding: remastering, vidding: process

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