pie report, part 2 (consumption): relative satisfaction

Nov 09, 2003 13:19

The pie has been eaten and found acceptable.

The pie survived not only the baking process but transport, via car, to cavlec's house. The first signs of its slight internal trauma appeared as it was removed from the car, when truepenny, Mirrorthaw and I realized that it had leaked pie-juice into the tea-towels in which it had been swaddled.

cavlec (who, incidentally, makes a mean stuffed squash) had the wisdom to put the pie back in the oven briefly before serving it, so that the pieces came to the table steaming nicely. They also came to the table in a state of not inconsiderable disintegration. As everybody pointed out, the pie was still edible and even rather tasty, so on balance I am considering the pie venture an unprecedented, if qualified, success.

However, there are still some kinks to work out. The filling was very tasty (half Northern Spy, half Empire, and no five spice powder), but too juicy. The problem of overly-wet filling was compounded by my not having properly ventilated the top crust, so that the pie, once cut, was shortly swimming in apple juice - a condition that has done the bottom crust no favors, as I can attest from the experience of consuming a slice of the leftovers for breakfast this morning.

Notes for future pie production: drain the apples and vent the top crust. Also, experiment with apples that are either harder (so they can be cut smaller) or less juicy.

In comparison to my three past apple pie experiments (the burnt pie, The Pie Of Gelatinous Sludge Encased In Leather, and The Amazing Exploding Pie), this pie, which we will call The Pie Of Reasonable Success, does constitute a major breakthrough. I am appropriately pleased. Further experimentation will be documented as needed.


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