notes on Farscape S2, 2x06 (TWWW) - 2x05 (PIYW), plus notes on spirituality and ep order

Nov 08, 2003 15:00

Past Farscape posts are indexed here.

PLEASE NOTE: I am watching Farscape for the first time, and I am staying resolutely spoiler free. As of this writing, the last episode I've seen is 2x07 (Home on the Remains). If you've seen more eps than this-and why on earth would you be reading these notes if you haven't?-you're welcome to comment on any ( Read more... )

tv: farscape

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Comments 13

renenet November 8 2003, 14:04:55 UTC
Hi, I am not reading this post (because I *can* resist reading text under certain specific circumstances), but I am writing to ask you to please tell me in what order I should watch the first six episodes of season two, since you have come that far and can interpret for me. It *pains* me not to be able to read your posts, so I have to catch up. Thank you.


heresluck November 8 2003, 14:53:02 UTC
Here's how I'd do it:

Mind the Baby
Vitas Mortis
Taking the Stone
Crackers Don't Matter
Picture If You Will
The Way We Weren't

Go catch up! Now!


laurashapiro November 8 2003, 15:53:55 UTC
You have so many beautiful things to say here. I'm reveling in these posts. I just wish I had anything clever to add -- mostly I'm just basking.


heresluck November 9 2003, 06:52:05 UTC
Thank you. *g*


just_eunice November 8 2003, 17:17:27 UTC
*happy sigh*...I love, love, love these commentaries.

Pilot's been in permanent pain? Man, that is *really* upsetting.

Oh yeah. I deal much better with the rest of the crew in pain (of either the physical or emotional kind) than I do if it's Pilot or Moya. I think it's in large part because neither can simply walk away..either from the symbiosis with each other or with the crew. Their motivations are starkly different from the rest of the gang, and centered primarily around service to others. It just seems more...*wrong* to hurt them, y'know? Especially in this case where the source of pain is the very bond that is supposed to give comfort and joy. Even more so when you consider why that is. Little Pilot so desperate to see the stars that he winds up paying far more than he owes just breaks my heart.

*sniffle* I'm gonna go have myself a good cry now.


heresluck November 9 2003, 06:54:18 UTC
Little Pilot so desperate to see the stars that he winds up paying far more than he owes...

Yeah. I hardly even mentioned Pilot's story in my comments - there was just so much already, and my notes were mostly focused on Aeryn. I'll have to rectify that whenever I get around to re-watching...


cofax7 November 8 2003, 17:36:05 UTC
As I recall, My Three Crichtons comes before Look At the Princess. Just be careful to watch LATP in order, because the production numbers of those are all frelled up.

Goooooood comments. TWWW is one of the more universally loved episodes, since it does do such a great job of reversing viewers' expectations about both Aeryn and Pilot. And, as Shaye has said, Pilot makes us cry. *sniffle*


heresluck November 9 2003, 06:56:15 UTC
Just be careful to watch LATP in order, because the production numbers of those are all frelled up.

Yeah, those are in order on the DVD, so no problem.

As I said to Eunice, I can't believe how little I commented on Pilot's story in TWWW, but there's just so much to that ep I couldn't get to it all; which is a good sign, of course.


tzikeh November 8 2003, 17:49:38 UTC
I cannot begin to tell you how much I love reading your observations. I did want to give you a giggle, though:

But the show, despite being named for his module, is not just his show with extras; it's all of them. I like that.

The show was named "Space Race" up til the very last minute, when they decided to go with "Farscape" instead.

Aren't you glad?


heresluck November 9 2003, 06:58:02 UTC
The show was named "Space Race" up til the very last minute, when they decided to go with "Farscape" instead.

Oh. no. The same brains that came up with this show thought "Space Race" wasn't an awful title?

Does it count as a giggle if I'm cringing at the same time?

BTW -- so glad you've got room for your ship/'ship icon again. *g*


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