swimming: progress

Nov 05, 2003 08:41

I've been refraining from swimming reports because I've been doing pretty much the same stuff with pretty much the same results. Today, though, three worthwhile things happened.

1) I moved up to doing sets of 75s instead of 50s. I'd been intending to do this next week anyway, but I thought I was up to it today, and in fact I was.

2) For the first time since I started swimming again, I did a really good flip turn. In fact I did two. I've been hesitating at the wall - a byproduct, I suspect, of the accident I had in 9th grade where I flipped too close to the wall, split my heel open, had to get stitches, and then was stuck doing dry-land training for a full month. It wasn't a big deal at the time, but I think my subconscious has magnified the event significantly in the intervening years. Today I swam right into the turn, and I'd forgotten how good that feels, the swirl and roll and the incredible power coming off the wall.

3) In the middle of my last set, which was 4x100, I got a serious second wind. I finished out the first 25 of the third iteration and wanted to go *fast*. So I powered up for the remaining 75. The first two clocked in at 2:00 and 2:02; this one was 1:54. Of course then I felt like I was gonna die, and the last one clocked at 2:05 or something, but still.

Today's sets:

warmup: 200 FIM (sub freestyle)

6x75 freestyle pull 1:35
150 breaststroke kick no interval
4x75 breaststroke pull 1:50
4x100 FIM (sub backstroke kick) 2:30

cooldown: 50 each backstroke, breaststroke

...for a total of 1600 yards.

buddy movie, swimming

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