Oct 23, 2003 13:36
I've got a conference this weekend-I'm leaving in about an hour-and the fact that I'm posting this is proof that the day thus far has gone remarkably well. As of last night I hadn't finished revising the paper I'm giving; now it's done, as is a sinkful of dishes, I've had lunch, and I've even watched AtS 5x04, about which I might have things to say when I get back. (I've been taping, since I teach on Wednesday nights, and watching after the fact with a zen attitude that thus far has yielded good results.)
Sadly, I still haven't had time to watch the last couple of eps of Farscape S1-which is actually fine, since the S2 DVDs are arriving next week, and this way I won't have to stress about the cliffhanger (yes, I know there's a cliffhanger, but I don't know anything about it, so don't hint!).
I also haven't had a chance to write up a backlog of rants that's been accumulating; thus far I've got the RIAA, tuition hikes, allegations of racial bias on the SATs, and other stuff that's escaping me at the moment. Tune in next week for strong opinions and vituperative prose.
In the meantime, I'm off to Pennsylvania with five wonderful students and a favorite colleague, and I plan to have as nice a time as being trapped in a giant hotel with 800 mostly-irritating people will permit. I'm armed with apples, brownies, earplugs, two good books and a lot of CDs. Wish me luck.