apples! ... and other stuff

Sep 20, 2003 08:31

Light market this week because I've still got some stuff leftover from last week and from Tuesday. But it was chilly when I got to the square: apple weather, at last! So I stopped by my favorite heirloom apple stand:

Wealthy: slightly tart (but not acidic) red cheek apple, good for baking and cider but also one of my very favorite eating apples.
Tompkin's King: tart apple, apparently often red or blush but, in the case of this orchard, more green; originated 1804 in New York State.
Old Church: very small, very tart but flavorful blush apple, originated 1825 near Wisconsin's First Free Will Baptist Church. As far as I know, this apple orchard is one of the very few places where this apple is still grown.

I'll be getting cider and sweeter apples later, to go in soup with squash. And I'm looking forward to the Northern Spy (my favorite baking apple) that won't be coming in for at least a month yet. But these will keep me happy for a week.

I also picked up sweet spanish onions (red and yellow), bell peppers (red and yellow), salad greens with edible flowers (as a base for the tomato tasting I plan to do at lunch), a few roma tomatoes and some baby zucchini for pizza etc., a pint of raspberries which is now more like half a pint, and a very large pot of wheatgrass for the cats, one of whom is happily munching away on it right now (the other has just settled in my lap).

If the past few days have been any indication, it's going to be a beautiful autumn this year, and a marvelous end-of-market season.

And now I'm off to make some french toast for breakfast. Yum.

farmers market

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