The *big* audio editing project is getting a bit of a rest while I figure out how to deal with the remaining significant problems (two or three, depending on what the solution to the first one is). Unfortunately, I still have the lyrics stuck in my head and have been singing them to myself for the past couple of days - which, since they're in Latin, proved rather disconcerting to poor
truepenny yesterday afternoon. Unlike me, she actually *knows* Latin.
In the meantime, I've edited the audio for the I-can't-believe-I'm-doing-this Donnie Darko vid. Weird six-and-a-half-minute song is now clocking in at 3:40, for a concentrated weirdness effect. There's something to be said for finally having a use for a song that's been stuck in one's head on and off since sometime in 1990. I think it's actually good that I did this after cutting 20 minutes (thus far) from the track for the other project; I love every note of this song, and it might otherwise have been hard to decide what to cut, but I was in Ruthless Mode and just started stripping stuff out of there like I knew what I was doing.
To celebrate the inauguration of my first two non-BtVS vidding projects, I have changed "vidding" from being a subdirectory of "BtVS" to being . . . drum roll please . . . a primary directory of its own.
:::throws confetti:::