"it's, what, half egg half plant? 'cause that's just unnatural."

Aug 23, 2003 08:30

I have to confess that I missed my market last week. VividCon's great and all, but I want it moved to my town next year so I can have vegetables AND vids. I'd make brunch for the concom! . . . I know, I know, the con's not going anywhere. But a girl's gotta dream . . .

This morning's market was all about the eggplant. I have two favorite vendors at the market - Harmony Valley and Tipi Produce - and then there are a dozen other vendors where I stop occasionally for particular items like tomatillos, long beans, mushrooms, honey, maple syrup, jam (cf two weeks ago), goat cheese, and of course my Saturday morning muffin. Harmony Valley had acceptable eggplant this week, but I decided to wait and see what Tipi had (they often have particularly nice ones). And I'm so glad I did, because I ended up with five perfect little globe eggplants. Seriously. They're like the platonic ideal of eggplants. Each one is just about a pound, and they've got the most beautiful shiny purple skins and pale green sepals. They're heavy for their size, which means fewer seeds (which means they probably won't need salting). They make my eggplant icon look like a misfit among eggplants. They're almost too beautiful to eat. (But not quite.)

Other acquisitions: corn, red peppers, yellow peppers, serrano chiles, a *lot* of shallots, sweet onions, several bunches of basil (more pesto!), squash (zucchini, yellow, pattypan), tomatoes (juliet, lemon drop, brandywine), mushrooms, green beans, a french orange melon (like a tiny cantaloupe but with a richer flavor), and a pint of raspberries which is already nearly gone as I've been sitting here popping them while typing. Yum.

farmers market

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