project remaster: Glorious #1

Aug 06, 2003 09:00

"Glorious #1" is back up in remastered form at

This may be the least sentimental of my vids, and yet I have this weird sentimental attachment to it (go figure). It's the vid that prompted my transformation from a feral vidder into one who consciously considers herself part of a larger community: sockkpuppett praised it publicly on Nummy Treat (back in the days when specific praise and critique, rather than just luv and vid announcements, were part of the business of that list), and lo, my life was changed. And of course it's the vid I took to VividCon last year, so it's the only one of mine I've ever seen on a TV-or-bigger screen.

And now the quality's a little less sketchy, which pleases me greatly,

Initially I didn't think I had anything to change besides the source, but then (of course) I found some things that needed adjustments or substitutions. So the pace has been picked up in a few places, and there's a little more violence. ("I don't always use violence. Do I?")

Thanks to renenet's intrepid eleventh-hour re-beta (gamma? delta?) comments, I've also cut a couple of dissolves that, as she pointed out, were slowing down the action and muffling some strong beats; deleting the dissolves necessitated changing a couple of other clips (and allowed me to sneak in a new one that I always sort of wanted in there - bonus points if you can guess which one).

You know, I'm really liking the idea of remastering-beta comments as delta comments. Isn't delta the sign for change in some chemical equations or other science-y stuff? "Science-y stuff" - that's a technical term, yeah.

Where was I? Oh yeah: a recent remark of sockkpuppett's about the vid's color scheme drove me to examine it more closely, since that aspect of the vid had been completely unintentional. And there it was: blue + orange, complementary colors. Nifty! So I also screwed around with the color settings and gamma adjustments on a lot of the clips just to see what I could do about emphasizing that a bit more. I haven't done much color adjustment in Premiere before (although I've fiddled with brightness, contrast, RGB, saturation, intensity, etc. in VirtualDub ever since I started using it to process clips in the pre-editing stage), so this was uncharted territory - but at the same time safe territory, because I know this vid so well.

Tinkering notwithstanding, it's still basically the same vid, so if you liked it before, you don't need to worry that I've somehow screwed it up this time around.

password: spike

vids: announcements, vidding: remastering, vid: glorious #1

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