vegetable tally

Jun 28, 2003 08:44

Foreign cities have their charms, but it's good to be back home at my beloved farmers' market.

This week's haul: strawberries, rhubarb (the only question is: crisp, crumble, or roly poly? -I don't do pies); asparagus, mushrooms, sugar snap peas (which I am eating out of the bag right now), English shell peas, early carrots, zucchini (green & yellow) and zephyr squash, curly endive, fennel; basil, oregano; and several packages of fresh pasta (plain fettucine, mushroom linguini, ginger angel hair). No kohlrabi, but only because when I got to my favorite place for kohlrabi I'd already acquired too many other comestibles. Also no green tomatoes, no arugula or rainbow chard, no purple scallions, no pattypan squash, no dill - and no tarragon, which I'm rather regretting as I contemplate what to do with those mushrooms. :::sob:::

Ah well. There's always next week. Anybody wanna come live with me and help financially support my vegetable habit? You'll also get to eat half the stuff I cook, which will enable me to cook more kinds of things...

We're watching "Once More, With Feeling" at Pizza & Buffy tomorrow night, and I'm thinking there may have to be special wacky pizzas to celebrate. Fennel and curly endive! Asparagus and mushroom! Asparagus and English peas! (Fresh peas, for the skeptical among you, really are fabulous on pizza.)

Plus it's raining a lovely soft rain, and the cats are feeling snuggly.

Some mornings are much better than I deserve.

farmers market

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