I am h.l's lack of fannish content

Jul 19, 2016 13:58

Things have been non-optimal around here for a while, hence my lack of fannish (or any) content. I am behind on TV because of a combination of generalized work stress and a couple of specific work-related deadlines that left me feeling sort of unequipped to do much of anything mentally taxing, including write anything outside of work or process long-form narrative, for, uh, several months. My house is being more of a money pit than usual; some long-standing minor problems have rather suddenly entered the MUST DEAL WITH NOW category, so I'm looking at new roof and new windows in short order. We're due for a horrific heat wave starting tomorrow, so this morning I dragged the window a/c unit out and got it set up in the bedroom... and then when I took out the filter to clean it, it disintegrated in my hands. Fantastic.

On the plus side, I have the money to get a new a/c unit without panicking about it, and I have the credit to get a loan for the house repairs. I have friends who've been supporting me through my work trials. The cats are a constant delight, aside from the occasional hairball or early morning serenade. (The kittens' latest game: stealing green beans from the kitchen, prancing off to the dining room with them, and then SLAYING THEM, which involves a great deal of tossing them in the air, catching them, and shaking them to break their necks.) I am sloooowly catching up on TV. I managed to finish a vid for VVC Premieres. I survived a visit to my parents. I have thus fair refrained from assaulting, verbally or otherwise, any of my colleagues (or my boss) despite severe provocations. I've been reading some interesting nonfiction. The garden is doing pretty well. I picked several pounds of cherries from a friend's tree a few days ago and now have roasted cherry sauce and brandied cherry sauce in the freezer, ready to top home-made ice cream later this week.

And VVC is approaching, which will be a welcome respite from my current daily grind; I'll get to spend time with people I love and don't see nearly often enough and, assuming the tomatoes continue on schedule, share some of my garden with them. I look forward to a few days spent focusing on things that are not my job, eating some good food, and hanging out with friends.

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