old vids in new skins

Jun 23, 2016 19:26

First: I have finished and uploaded my Premieres vid!!! ...thus continuing my long-standing tradition of having a vid in Premieres only in even years, but hey, I take my victories where I can get them.

Second: For reasons that don't need exploring at this juncture, I am re-encoding a couple of old vids from my archived master files (using Ian's shiny new version of LlamaEnc, which is MADE OF MAGIC AND RAINBOWS), and having cast a critical eye over my assorted DivX and XviD vid exports, to say nothing of the more recent overly large .mp4s that were all I could squeeze out of Adobe's it-works-it-just-doesn't-work-all-that-WELL media encoder, I am considering converting the rest of them too so that I can make shiny-but-reasonably-sized m4vs available for download, because I am old-skool like that, even though I know that streaming is how most people watch vids these days.

I am posting this rambly post about it to say that if anyone wants to nudge a particular vid or vids to the top of the queue, this is the place to mention it (and then I can also comment back to let you know when it's done and uploaded). It may not be done SOON -- I know myself well enough to know that this is a project that will be accomplished, to whatever extent it is accomplished, piecemeal and over considerable time -- but I will certainly prioritize requests. :D

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vids: announcements, vidding: tech, vid: play hard

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