notes from the farmers' market; job; WisCon

May 24, 2003 08:29

It's the last week for ramps, so I got lots. Also probably the last week for morels, which I can't afford to get lots of, but I did get a few; not sure yet what I'll do with them-it seems so decadent to be getting morels just for me rather than for a dinner party. Perhaps I'll have to have truepenny and the Minister of Hardware up for dinner.

Curly endive's new this week; also picked up the standard asparagus, arugula, mushrooms. And hard greens are coming in (mustard, collard); picked up some saute mix that includes both of those plus tatsoi, bok choi, chard and mezuna. Maybe I can do a nice green risotto some cool evening this week.

Rhubarb is in with a vengeance, though I didn't get any. The place where I get my weekly lemon-poppyseed muffin has rhubarb turnovers in season, so I may have to vary my routine next week, although I'm not usually one for routine-varying.

Speaking of variance, I have a job for next year. Not a real job, but a teaching assistantship within my current department. With money and everything, which I guess makes it real enough. I haven't been posting about the job situation because it's been worrying me, and as a rule I don't like worrying in public; but I got the offer late this week, and am feeling a bit more secure now.

I feel that I should be more excited than I am. It's a good job, exciting new opportunities, leadership position, etc. Also, I will be good at it, and I like being good at things. And I'm relieved that the department was willing to hire me (word was that most of us who've been around a while would not be getting appointments). But I've loved my job so much for the past two years, and I hate that it's up and that I have to move on.

I'll be fine, of course. I'll make it work. And maybe the not-so-much-loving-what-I-do will actually motivate me to finish the dissertation and get the hell out of here (rather than sending me into a tailspin of depression and avoidance, which is my fear; historical precedent is split down the middle about this one).

We'll see.

In other other news, Ursula K. LeGuin is really smart. Okay, that's not news at all, but I have to say: knowing that she's smart and seeing her be smart in person, on the fly, are two different things, and I highly recommend the latter. Also, she's funny. Molly Gloss is taller than I thought she would be, which is odd because I didn't know that I'd formed any ideas about what she looked like until I saw her. (She looks especially tall when standing next to LeGuin, who is sort of pocket-sized.) And China Mieville is just as much of a hottie as the book-jacket pictures suggest. (I think it's the earrings. And the Marxism.) Yowza.

farmers market, academia, wiscon, teaching

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