Over the past week, Toby has decided that the kittens are acceptable, if perhaps somewhat in need of training.
Niko: Big Kitty, are you asleep?
h.l: Yes, Niko, Toby's asleep.
Toby: ...biped?
h.l: Yes, Toby?
Toby: Is there something going on behind me that I should know about?
h.l: Nope.
Toby: I can hear somebody purring and it's not me.
h.l: Really? Huh. How odd.
Toby: You're humoring me, aren't you.
h.l: I don't know what you're talking about.
Toby: I'm going back to sleep now.
h.l: That's probably a good plan.
Niko: [purrs]
Toby [from outside the closed door]: Biped. Biped! Your presence is required.
Niko: That's MY big kitty! MINE! Big Kitty! Hi!
Toby: Biped, the kitten is sticking its paw under the door.
h.l: Yep.
Toby: Does it -- does it want to play Door?
h.l: Looks like it.
Toby: Does it know HOW to play Door?
h.l: Only one way to find out.
Niko: Oh! OH! The Big Kitty is playing Door with me!!!
Toby: Got you!
Nyssa: Oooooh,
blanketmouse! Blanketmouse blanketmouse blanketmouse! [pounces]
[biped removes hand from under quilt]
Toby: Kitten, NO.
Nyssa: OW.
Toby: That is my biped. No damaging my biped.
Nyssa: But -- blanketmouse!
Toby: Blanket mouse. Like this: [nudges hand toward edge of quilt]
[biped puts hand back under quilt]
Toby: Yessss. [Eyes dilate dramatically] Blanketmouse! [pounces] See?
Nyssa: Oh! Blanket mouse. [pounces]
Toby: That is acceptable.
h.l: Good job, buddy. My fragile human flesh thanks you.
Toby: You take so much looking after.
h.l: And so do the kittens.
Toby: ...I suppose.
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