translations from the feline: the new babysitter

Oct 09, 2015 19:45

I should begin by mentioning that the previous post about the kittens has been updated with links to photos illustrating relevant lines of dialogue. You know, in case you're into that sort of thing. :D

I have managed to shoot a few short videos of kitten shenanigans. A couple of them are pretty amusing. I am debating whether to upload them somewhere. In the meantime, you will have to make do with photos and dialogue.

And now, a photo of sleepy kittens:

The biggest development since the last post is that Theo, somewhat improbably, has become The New Babysitter.

Nyssa: Big Kitty! Hi!
Niko: Hi! Hi!
Theo: Hello, small creatures.
h.l: Someone's feeling mellow today.
Theo: My sibling says that they aren't monsters.
Nyssa: Hi!
h.l: Does he now.
Theo: He says -- what is that?
Nyssa: Hi!
Theo: Biped, the creature is purring!
h.l: Apparently kittens do that when they find the Big Kitty of their dreams.
Theo: They are KITTENS?
h.l: Yep.
Theo: Why didn't you SAY so? Hello, kittens.
Nyssa: Hi! Hi hi hi! Big Kitty, you have the BEST tail.
Theo: That is true. I do.
Nyssa: I'm going to play with it!
Theo: Rude! RUDE. Kitten, NO.
Nyssa: OW.
h.l: Mm-hmm.

Both kittens have begun imitating the way Toby uses the scratching post. Niko has also... well, you'll see.

Theo: I siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing the sonnnnnnnnnnnnnnng of the need for kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitten foooooooooooood!
Niko: Siiing!
Theo: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!
Niko: Siiing!
h.l: Oh no. Please, no.
Niko: Siiing!

Toby and Theo have begun taking turns spending the afternoon on my lap as I work in the room where the kittens are alternately rampaging and napping. A couple of days ago, shortly after Theo had settled in for his shift...

Niko: Oh, I am so SLEEPY.
h.l: Hi, sleepy kitten.
Niko: I cannot find my sibling ANYWHERE.
h.l: I think she's in that magic hammock you found under the recliner.
Niko: Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeepy.
Theo: Hmm? Oh. OH. Biped, there is a kitten here.
h.l: I know, honey.
Theo: It seems to be asleep.
h.l: Looks like it.
Theo: Biped, I think this kitten's ears are... not very clean.
h.l: That's a common complaint about kittens. Or so I have heard.
Theo: I have always had clean ears.
h.l: Really.
Theo: Yes!
h.l: Do you remember why you always had clean ears as a kitten?
Theo: ...maybe?
h.l: Well, you think about it and maybe it'll come to you.
Theo: Biped, this kitten is sleeping right under my very sensitive nose.
h.l: That's true.
Theo: This kitten MUST be washed.
h.l: I think that's an excellent plan.
Niko: ...mmph? Hmm? OH! -- WHOOPS!*
Theo: Kitten, why did you just fall over?
h.l: It's okay, Niko. Go back to sleep.
Niko: Big Kitty?
Theo: Hello, kitten.
Niko. I'm so sleeeeeepy.
Theo: You may share the biped's lap with me.
Niko: Really?
Theo: Yes.
Niko: 'kay.
h.l: Good job, Theo.
Theo: Kittens make excellent nosewarmers. Once they are clean.
h.l: I've heard that too.

* I actually have video of this bit. Makes me laugh EVERY TIME.

Niko: Big Kitty, I shall POUNCE ON YOU!
Theo: Oh no you will NOT.
Niko: I am a ferocious warrior!
Theo: You are not! You are a tiny kitten and your hiss is not at all scary.

Nyssa: Big Kitty! What are you doooooing?
Theo: I am preparing to nap! It is naptime.
Nyssa: You nap a LOT.
Theo: It is often naptime.
Nyssa: May I nap with you?
Theo: Yes, you may.
Nyssa: YAY.
Theo: Biped?
h.l: Yes, Theo?
Theo: This kitten's ears taste funny.*
h.l: You don't have to wash them if you don't want to.
Theo: Good.
h.l: Is the kitten clean enough to nap with?
Theo: I guess.
h.l: Well okay then.
Nyssa: [naps]
Theo: [naps]

* I also have video of this bit.

By the next day, Nyssa had managed to participate in a catpile with BOTH grownup kitties:

Niko is still especially attached to Toby, but that doesn't stop her from following Theo around:

Toby has been coming around somewhat more slowly... but that really deserves a post of its own.

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