Parks & Rec, gender socialization, and vidsongs, but not all at once

Sep 23, 2015 16:10

Okay, people who love Parks & Rec, I need you to level with me. I do not normally watch half-hour comedies -- in fact the only such show I have ever watched with real enjoyment is Sports Night -- but I know that this is true for some of you as well. And I have seen some charming gifsets on Tumblr, and I love sisabet's delightful vid from a few years back.

So last night I tried to watch the pilot ep, but I had to turn it off halfway through. It was not making me laugh; it was making me cringe.

Is this a solvable problem? Like, if I skip to some later point in the series, will I actually enjoy it? Or is this what the show is really like, and I am just TV-comedy-impaired? (I am totally willing to accept that I am TV-comedy-impaired; I have plenty of other shows to watch, including shows that make me laugh despite not being marketed as comedies.)

This morning I had to send a work-related email asking for more information about some points that my correspondent had left unclear -- information without which I could not decide whether to accept the responsibility he was asking me to undertake. When I read my initial draft of the email, I was kind of horrified at how apologetic it was -- sorry to have to ask for clarification, sorry if I'm being a bother, etc.

I do not think of myself as someone who panders to male egos in that way, and yet there it was. It made me wonder how many emails I send are like that; I often write emails very quickly and without a lot of revising or second-guessing, because I deal with way too much email and do not have the luxury of spending a lot of time on it. (Here it must be said that I am *very* discursive in early drafts of everything, including email; "She would have made it shorter but she didn't have time" will probably be my epitaph. Well, one of my epitaphs.)

I revised the hell out of this email, I can tell you. It is shorter, more direct, and not at all apologetic, because I have nothing to apologize for. I am not sorry that I needed clarification; I am annoyed that my correspondent is so disrespectful of my time that he didn't give me the info I needed in his initial email. I am not sorry if I'm being a bother; I need that info, and I am not moving on this thing until I have it, and if that's a problem he needs to learn to send me the relevant fucking information instead of expecting me to intuit it or some such nonsense.

But wow, I am displeased with myself, even though rationally I know exactly why I took the approach I initially did. *sigh*

Last night while doing the dishes one of my Friday Night Lights vidsongs came up on shuffle and I had a flashback to sitting in a hotel room with barkley two weeks ago, playing her the song and having her respond "Yeah, you're not going to turn me into a puddle of tears with that AT ALL." Goals: I have them!

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tv: fnl, tv: parks & rec, work work work

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