preposterous vegetables, 2015 edition

Apr 11, 2015 18:21

This year's vegetable varieties have even more awesome names than usual! Some highlights:

» Gigante d' Inverno spinach
» Monstrueux De Viroflay spinach
» Muscade carrots
» Oxheart carrots (my all-time favorite! I'm so excited!)
» Half Long Guernsey parsnips
» Verde de Taglio chard
» Calima beans
» Cantare beans
» Petit Gris de Rennes melon
» Dragon's Egg cucumber
» Blondkopfchen tomatoes
» Crnkovic Yugoslavian tomatoes
» German Red Strawberry tomatoes
» Dad's Sunset tomatoes
» Paradicsom Alaku bell peppers
» Etuida bell peppers
» Albino Bullnose bell peppers some returning favorites: Purple Viking potatoes, White Scallop summer squash, Yellow Indian Woman beans, Good Mother Stallard beans, Golden Midget watermelon, Sara's Galapagos tomatoes, Rosa Bianca eggplant... and more!

I have a new pair of gardening overalls that I'm planning to break in tomorrow. Hurrah for playing in the dirt! :D

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