Festivids recs (part 1 of 2)

Jan 28, 2014 21:55

Festivids Masterlist

Thus far I am sticking to shows/movies I know. I may branch out eventually. Also, I only got through P on the masterlist, meaning I still have Sleepy Hollow vids to watch, whee!

In the meantime, have some vid recs. Lots of Friday Night Lights and Pacific Rim! Festivids was good to me this year.

Feeling Good (Agents of SHIELD): Melinda May is my favorite part of the show, so I was delighted to see a vid showcasing both her quiet competence and her ass-kicking badassery, with the transition between them timed perfectly to the change in the music.

Run the World (Agents of SHIELD): With a summary like "Some ladies are possibly in charge of this motherfucker," there was basically no way I was not going to like this vid. As various commenters have pointed out, one of the best things about it is that it shows Skye, Melinda, and Simmons all being badass in different ways -- and it finds ways to make all of them visually interesting.

Avenues (Friday Night Lights): What a great Tim Riggins vid. I love the song for him -- Whiskeytown is a great sound for FNL in general and Tim specifically -- and I especially love how although the vid features both Lyla and Tyra (and eventually Becky), the real lost love here is football -- the game, the lights, the feeling of team, the sense of purpose that Tim struggles so hard to find after graduation. The vid just captures so much about him and his story. Gorgeous.

Fire Door (Friday Night Lights): This song has strong personal associations for me, which I was a little worried that the vid wasn't going to be able to overcome (which would not have been the vid's fault!), but it really got me in the end, partly because I LOVE TYRA but also because the vidder maps Tyra's arc onto the song in ways that make a lot of sense. I especially love the "Amazing Grace" bit focusing on her relationship with Tami and the way that what "goodbye" means changes over the course of the vid.

La La Love You (Friday Night Lights): This song is adorable. Julie and Matt are adorable. Not surprisingly, the vid is also adorable.

Screen Door (Friday Night Lights): Uncle Tupelo + FNL = happy place for me. This song could totally have been used on the show, and as the recipient said, "it really captures that small town Texas feel." Yes. Yes it does.

The Show Goes On (Friday Night Lights): Okay, so, I am not going to be totally coherent about this vid because I LOVE IT SO MUCH. I love Vince, okay? He is one of my favorite characters on the show; he is one of my favorite characters ever. And this vid illustrates so beautifully so much about him, his journey, his relationships with his mom and his team and his coach, the way he gets up and goes on, again and again, even when the odds are stacked against him in pretty much every possible way. And the song choice is just brilliant. I still want to make my own Vince vid, because I love him so, but if I never get around to it I can be happy knowing that this vid exists.

Do My Thing (The Heat): This is the vid I have been waiting for since I first saw the movie. The song is utterly fantastic for Ashburn and Mullins -- the music, the lyrics, the two voices. I am already looking forward to dancing to this vid at Club Vivid.

Helping Hand (Little Women): A lovely overview of the movie.

L.O.V.E. (Much Ado About Nothing [2013]): I was primed to like this vid because I am so fond of the movie, and it did not disappoint. I love the use of the physical comedy, especially the intercutting of the gulling scenes. The perfect timing of gestures and movements the whole way through keeps everything swinging along with the music.

King and Lionheart (Pacific Rim): I would never have thought of this song for Pacific Rim, but this vid makes it feel inevitable for Mako and Stacker, the lionheart and her beloved king. This one made me get a little teary-eyed, NGL.

Moves Like Jaeger (Pacific Rim): The title pun cracks me up, but the vid itself is so much more than that. The editing is sharp, the pacing is great, the clip choices are terrific -- those cocky facial expressions at the beginning! -- and the use of the second vocalist to introduce Mako's appearance in the middle is fantastic. Another one for Club Vivid!

Wings of Icarus (Pacific Rim): The song's combo of strings and guitar could be an outtake from the film's soundtrack, and the vidder makes great use of the music to tell a story without words. Feels almost like a professional trailer, and I mean that in the best possible way.

By and By (Pride & Prejudice): This vid made me laugh until I wheezed. Not even kidding.

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festivids, vids: recs

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