[December meme] ensemble vids!

Dec 18, 2013 23:47

renenet prompted: What is your favorite ensemble vid that you've made? Why is it your favorite? AND/OR talk about some or all of your ensemble vids, either one by one, or en masse.

Under normal circumstances I would expound at length, but I just got back from a Redbird show (SO AWESOME) and it is waaay past my bedtime, so: abbreviated version. If you want to know more, I think I have an unclaimed day later this month, so ask away. Or, you know, just ask me on one of the four nights a week we talk on the phone. :p

Okay, so, I am combining prompts and talking about three favorites.

Sea Fever is still the most personal of my vids -- that's pretty much my heart on the screen -- and so it's my favorite for sentimental reasons. Also, I think I did a pretty good job of making it feel like a cohesive ensemble vid even though it includes characters from all three seasons and thus in some ways from three separate ensembles. What makes them all part of the same ensemble is not their connections to each other but their connections to the theatre and specifically to Shakespeare, which was an interesting dynamic to try to capture.

Firefly is the show of my heart, and in Blind Hope I finally managed to vid the show's emphasis on chosen family, which is one of my all-time favorite narrative tropes. Unlike Sea Fever, which was about showing how people are connected through their love for one thing, Blind Hope is about nine people living basically on top of each other and making it work. I had so much fun going back through the show and trying to get every character on screen with every other character at least once.

I like People Get Ready both because it reminds me, even now, what I loved about S1 of Heroes and because I think it succeeded at doing one of the things I wanted it to do, which was to stick to canon and yet to reframe canon a little bit -- to vid, I guess, the best version of the show, the version that the show itself ultimately did not live up to.

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vid: sea fever, vid: blind hope, vid: people get ready

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