
Oct 06, 2013 22:22

Some of you may recall that nearly a month ago now I ordered a bunch of computer parts and started rebuilding my machine. The project hit several snags, first emotional and then technical, but -- long story short -- I finally finished the rebuild this morning and spent most of the afternoon troubleshooting, updating drivers, tinkering with the BIOS, etc., and now, finally, I have a working vidding machine again.

I haven't let myself open Premiere yet -- that's my reward later this week for getting assorted non-optional work tasks completed on time -- but wow, I can already tell that the machine is a lot faster. And it's so quiet; I couldn't tell whether it was on at first! The Antec P280 case was a joy to work with; it's huge, which helps (I am too clumsy to be monkeying around with a case where everything is a tight fit), but it's also extremely well designed.

Earlier this weekend, I rambled to
renenet about the various Glee vid ideas, trying to work out which ones are still worth pursuing and which are better jettisoned. The good news (well, good for me, at least, and probably for
killabeez if the last vid was any indication) is that the fluffy vid I have been thinking about for over a year now is back on the table at last; I just didn't have the heart to work on it for most of last year, first because canon was making me sad and then because I felt too out of step with the fandom. But I think I'm in the right headspace for it again, so I'm going to make some time for vidding next weekend, and we'll see what happens.

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computer, vid: glee #4, vid: glee #3, vid: glee #2, vid: glee #5

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