the end of the summer

Sep 01, 2013 23:32

The heat broke last night, and my work life is under control for the moment, which means that for the first time in ages I was able to do all my normal weekend things (rather than frantically trying to catch up on work stuff and/or holing up in my bedroom with the window a/c on). I harvested a ton of stuff from the garden and cooked on and off all day -- rosemary foccacia, my favorite summer tomato soup, melon soup with ginger-cucumber salsa, the latest version of the summer squash and corn soup that I love at this time of year, beans for the tortilla soup I'm planning for later this week, tomatillo sauce for the chicken-and-chard tacos ditto. In between rounds of cooking I did all the laundry (like an adult!) and folded it (while watching Gilmore Girls, yay) and shelled beans and cleaned shallots and made my favorite furniture-polishing solution (lemon juice, white vinegar, and flax seed oil) with which to refresh the coffee table and dining room table and a few other items. And now I've had a shower and I'm in clean PJs, tucked into my freshly-made bed, with cats dozing by my knees and feet.

I had a lot of things on my to-do list that didn't get done today, but I'm okay with that; I needed a quiet day of picking beans and checking melons and peeling tomatoes and folding t-shirts and listening to my backlog of song-of-the-day podcasts, and I got it, and now I feel a little calmer, a little steadier, a little more ready to push forward into the next few weeks.

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gardening, quotidiana

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