weekend miscellany

Mar 03, 2013 10:44

Left Escapade (which was fun, though I doubt I'll go again) with a bad cold, which made the flight from LA a decidedly unpleasant experience: runny nose, headache like the wrath of god, ears popping constantly and then refusing to pop. Good times. Came home to not one but TWO separate instances of Work Drama. Spent most of Wednesday sleeping, which was really the only sensible course of action. I'm feeling better now, though you wouldn't know it from my voice, but this has really been a Lost Week; my only accomplishments of note have been catching up on TV and making lamb tagine and chicken quesadillas with pickled jalapeños, because I needed food spicy enough that I could actually taste it.

In other news: I have reached this awkward moment where I feel the need to decide how long I wait for a fic to update before changing its pinboard tag from "wip" to "wip:abandoned." Nine months? Twelve months? Fifteen? I didn't have to think about these things before I started reading fic again, dammit! Sure is reinforcing my aversion to reading WIPs, though.

I am spending this afternoon in fandom mode, but I'm not sure yet what that's going to entail. I ought to send feedback on all the fic I read en route to and from Escapade (courtesy of my new ereader, whee!), but I am also feeling the urge to vid. Except I can't decide whether to continue on my All Small Fandoms All The Time trajectory or throw myself into the ridiculous fluffy Glee vid that I've been circling anxiously for months now. Decisions, decisions. Originally posted at Dreamwidth || Read
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fan fiction, escapade, vid: glee #2, fandom, quotidiana

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